EFCA ReachGlobalLos Angeles Wildfire Response



The easiest way to join our livestream is from our home page. During the week you will notice a LIVE IN countdown bar on the home page. On Sunday mornings at 8:30 am and at 10:45 am this bar will indicate when the service is live streaming. Simply click on the WATCH LIVE button to be taken to the livestream page.

From there, simply click on the video in the window to begin streaming. Please note that you will need a highspeed internet connection and that you may need to adjust your computer's volume to hear the audio. Our livestream will work on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

Please let the church office know if you have any difficulty accessing the livestream.



If you own a Roku streaming device you can download the free BoxCast app and search for the event within the app.


If you own a 4 generation AppleTV you can download the free BoxCast app and search for the event producer within the app.

Fire TV

If you own a Fire Stick from Amazon, you will want to download the free BoxCast app and search for the event producer within the app.