Job Opportunity:Youth and Young Adults Pastor

Vision 2024

Vision 2024 Prayer Letter - 08/24/22

August 24, 2022

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,

Thank you for praying for our shared future at E-Free Bemidji as we approach our 100-year anniversary in 2024. God has been so faithful over these past 98 years! So, let’s continue to look to Him in the days and years ahead (should He tarry). Pray that we’ll be a church that loves to pray, that knows it needs to pray, and that prays without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians reminds us: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Please pray for all of the fall ministries that are getting ready to launch for the fall: Wednesday night meals, Kids Club, Youth Group, Young Adult ministries, Life Groups, the choir, handbells, Women’s Bible Study Fellowship, our Nominating Committee, and more. Pray also for our brand-new Trail Life ministry that launches for the very first time in September. Pray that each person in our church family will use their gifts and give their time and efforts to serving in at least one ministry area in our church. Praise God for answered prayer in the hiring of Amy Graf as our new Wednesday Night Kids Ministry Director. Pray that she’ll be able to “hit the ground running” and will have all of the resources that she needs including curriculum, supplies, and adults who will serve alongside her. Pray that God will give her favor with the children and their parents and guardians.

Praise God that giving to our General Ministry Fund has experienced a bit of an uptick recently! Pray for our trustees as they now work to plan out our 2023 General Ministry Fund budget to present at our October congregational meeting. Pray for God-honoring stewardship, wisdom, and discernment as they manage the Lord’s money and this incredible church facility. Pray for our elders as they shepherd the Lord’s church together and prayerfully consider our ministry priorities. May God be honored as He hones our future vision by helping us make wise small decisions day by day. Pray for wisdom, insight, and spiritual maturity for our elders.

Pray for those in our church family who are currently sick or injured. Pray for good medical care, healing, and full recovery. Remember to also pray for people’s mental health and stress levels. Pray for those who’ve lost loved ones and are navigating the ebb and flow of grief. Pray through the various needs on our prayer chain. Pray through our Global Partner flipbook as well as our upcoming trip to South Asia in November. Pray for marriages both new and old. As schools start up this fall, pray for our students, schoolteachers, administrative staff, bus drivers, cooks, custodians and so on. Pray that our schools will be safe and wholesome places for learning, relationships, and personal development through sports, art, music, etc.

Please pray for the sermons, week in and week out. Pray also for the various teaching and discussion that will be happening this fall in our Bible studies, Life Groups, kids ministry, youth ministry, young adult ministry, and so on. May God be pleased with us as we teach His truth and are careful to avoid any heresy. May we be well anchored to His truth in a world that pulls us in so many directions.

As we prayed last month, pray that our church will be the lampstand Jesus intends us to be (see Revelation 1-3). May those who do not yet know Christ hear the gospel clearly proclaimed in and through our church ministries and the believers who make up our church body. As we live in and among our community, may we represent Jesus well and speak about Him boldly. Pray that many will respond to Christ’s invitation in believing faith, and pray that our baptismal tank will get lots of use in the months ahead! Pray that the believers from E-Free Bemidji will gather consistently and joyfully for worship, instruction, and fellowship. Pray that our livestream will continue to bless those who need it, and that those who are able to return to in person services will do that very soon.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, thanks for praying!

Together for Christ,

Pastor Jerry

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