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Vision 2024

Vision 2024 Prayer Letter - 1/24/24

January 24, 2024

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,

As I’ve been preparing my sermon on “Vision 2024” for this coming Sunday, January 28, I’ve been reviewing some of our church’s past ministry efforts. I thought it might be interesting, and encouraging, to share our first official “Vision 2024 Prayer Letter” with you. It’s from April 24, 2018, and I put it just below these opening two paragraphs.

As you read through this prayer letter from 2018, I encourage you to please pray through the parts of it that are still relevant for our church today. And I also encourage you to praise God for the many ways He’s been faithfully answering the prayers that we prayed some 6 years ago! Praise the LORD! Let’s keep praying that E-Free Bemidji will become more and more the church that God would have us be. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, thank you for praying!

Together for Christ,  Pastor Jerry

Dear Vision 2024 Prayer Team, (from April 24, 2018)

Thank you for praying for the health and effectiveness of our church.

Today, please pray for the following:

For clarity in our Discipleship focus. For how to truly win the lost to Christ, build up believers to be complete in Christ, to equip believers to use their time/talents/treasures in authentic ways for God’s Kingdom purposes, and to multiply strong leaders in each ministry area of our church.

For our staff to be passionate in our faith and to work hard in each of our particular roles. For us to find real rest on our days off and vacations. For the Associate Pastor Search Committee as they begin to zero in on their final candidate. Praise God for the recent addition of Karisa, our new secretary. Pray that our entire staff team will be aligned with God’s plans for our particular church, that we’ll collaborate and communicate well with each other, and that we’ll mutually encourage and hold one another accountable in unifying and God honoring ways.

For a Bible-centered, Spirit-filled, Gospel-driven spiritual vibrancy in our church. That our Sunday services and weekly ministries will make a real and lasting impact. That more and more of our adults will find a small group where they can receive encouragement and personal shepherding. That leaders for these small groups would step up into the opportunities that God is giving them.

For a prayerful dependency on God as a church. For more people praying everywhere, all the time. That we’ll saturate each person and each ministry in prayer. That more people will join our Vision 2024 Prayer Team. We’re currently at around just 22 people. May God help us get up to 100+.

For a thriving Grace Community where we genuinely love one another and care for each other’s needs. Where we confront sin with a proper balance of truth and grace. Where sin is taken seriously. Where neither legalism nor abuse of grace have any place. Where we excel in distinctive ministry to each generation, young and old. Where Christ’s Kingdom is enlarged because God Himself is at work in/through us.

For us to reach beyond our church doors and into our community and world. For our local witness and for our Global Partners near and far. For our 2018 BD Team as we prepare to go this November. For stewardship of our building, staff, and budget that pleases God. For a full sanctuary in both services on Sunday mornings. For generous, Spirit prompted, obedient giving to God’s work. For us to catch up on our current budget shortfall in our General Ministry Fund and our Global Partners Fund. For God to help us continue to be generous with our Benevolence Fund and also that He would enable us to pay off our 1-million-dollar loan and become debt free as a church.

For me, Pastor Jerry, as I prepare and deliver sermons and invite occasional guest preachers, as I lead our staff and lay leaders, as I seek God’s direction and vision for our church in the months and years to come. For the right strategy of ministry focus, knowing what to say “no” to and what to say “yes” to.

Praying with you!

Pastor Jerry

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