Vision 2024

Vision 2024 Prayer Letter - 4/24/24

April 24, 2024

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ,

Psalm 119:89-90 says, “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.” Let’s begin our prayers with thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness over these past 100 years! He has rescued us, helped us, and sustained us all throughout our long journey as a local church. All the praise goes to Him alone! Please pray for the people in our 100th Anniversary Committee: Terry and Robin Hewitt, Scott and Laura Engelstad, Judy Emery, Laurie Oakes, and me, Pastor Jerry. Pray that we will serve effectively and comprehensively in our efforts to represent and celebrate our history well.

Please pray for our Strategic Leadership Team as they present the preliminary rough draft of our church’s mission, vision, and values at this Sunday’s congregational meeting. Pray for each of us on this team: Brandon Mustful (our Strategic Consultant), Deb Brown, Mandi Buchan, Barb Capes, Mark Carlson (chair), Douglas Daube, Laura Engelstad, Kay Sue Eriksson, Dan Evans, Dan Frost, Amy Graf, Holly Howes, Jerry Johnson, Eric Nygren, Bill Oakes, Karl Salscheider, and Ken Wold. Pray that we will be in step with God’s Spirit and mindful of how to set the right ministry priorities for our church for the years ahead, should our Lord tarry. Pray that we’ll be on mission with God’s mission, that we’ll have eyes to see His vision for our future, and that our core values will be in line with what God values. Pray that we will have the humility and insight we need to set aside our own agendas for His greater gospel purposes.

Please pray for this Sunday’s potluck and congregational meeting on April 28. Pray for meaningful gospel fellowship around the tables as we enjoy a good meal together. Pray that everyone will feel welcomed and loved, and that each person will leave feeling well-fed and encouraged by the fellowship. Pray that our quarterly meeting will bring God glory and accomplish the business of His church. Pray for wisdom and unity in our discussions and decisions. Pray for the resources, volunteers, and funding that are needed to carry out what God is calling us to do and be, on this corner of Bemidji and beyond. In light of our recent time in Romans 16, pray that our church will be a loving family who enjoys warm gospel fellowship. Pray that we will be a hard-working, generous team of Christ-followers. And pray that we will be an ethnically and socially diverse, yet unified, group of fellow believers. May the city of Bemidji see God at work among us, and through us, as we take His love and light into our community.

Please pray for our Global Partners in the United States and around the world. Pray through our Global Partner flipbook name by name, and picture by picture. Pray for their spiritual needs, their physical and emotional needs, their financial needs, and their safety and logistical needs. Pray for our Global Connections Team as they make decisions regarding our current and future Global Partners. Pray that God will raise up new men and women to lead and serve near and far.

Also please pray for the many ongoing ministries within our church walls. As you prayerfully consider what is going on in our building during each day of the week, Sunday all the way through Saturday, pray specifically for each ministry of which you are aware. Check out the bulletin if you’d like some specific ideas. Pray for our upcoming Worship Committee meeting as we review and critique our previous worship services, and as we plan for any future changes and enhancements. Pray that we’ll be able to raise the final dollars needed for our greatly needed Phase 1 A/V Tech upgrades. Pray for our Senior Connection lunch, our Spring Finale concert, and more. Also, please pray through any recent Prayer Chain items.

Pray for a peaceful resolution to the various conflicts around the globe. Pray for those in harm’s way. Pray for the believers, churches, and Christian ministries in the midst of these troubled regions. Pray for the leaders making decisions on both sides of these conflicts. And pray for a powerful gospel presence and proclamation that offers true peace and relational reconciliation.

Please pray for a strong finish to our many ministries that are beginning to wrap up for the school year. Also, please pray for our upcoming Vacation Bible School July 28-31 in the evenings. Pray for our own children, and the children throughout the Bemidji area. May all of these children increasingly come to know and enjoy God’s love and truth. Pray for all of the ongoing planning and logistics and recruiting. Pray also for other summer ministries like softball, 9:30 combined summer services, our summer sermon series on some of the Minor Prophets, summer youth group and kids min, the United in Christ conference being hosted by our church July 18-20, and more.

As always, please pray that E-Free Bemidji will become more and more the church that God would have us be.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, thank you for praying!

Together for Christ,  Pastor Jerry


Becoming deeply devoted followers of Jesus together

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