Life Group Questions for the Week of December 1, 2024

Dec 1, 2024 |

1. In Luke 1:57-58, Elizabeth’s neighbors and relatives share her joy when her son is born. Tell us about a time when you shared in someone else’s joy because God blessed them in some way.

2. In Luke 1:61, Zechariah’s neighbors and relatives expect him to follow the naming traditions of his people. In verses 63-64, Zechariah declares, “his name is John,” and he gets back his ability to speak. How might we learn from Zechariah’s decision to obey God rather than being swayed by tradition or peer pressure?

3. Verses 65-66 say that all the neighbors were filled with awe when his parents named him John. They wondered “What then is this child going to be?” since the Lord’s hand was with him. Why do you think verse 66 asks “What” this child is going to be, rather than “Who”? (Hint: Consider verses 76-77.)

4. Verse 69 refers to Jesus as a “Horn of Salvation.” Verses 78-79 refer to Him as “the rising sun” who will shine on those living in darkness. How do you think these descriptions help us to better understand Jesus, and the hope of our salvation?

5. Verses 74-75 highlight how our salvation enables us to serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness. Do you think about your salvation this way? Explain.

6. Read Luke 1:78-79. What specific, modern-day examples come to mind when you consider God’s tender mercy, those living in darkness, and the path of peace?

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