Life Group Questions for the Week of January 12, 2025

Jan 12, 2025 |

1. Read Luke 3:1-6. Verses 1-2 list various leaders during John’s time in history. Why might it be important for us to remember that John was bringing his message at a time of political unrest and spiritual turmoil? Why might it be encouraging to read that “the word of God” came to John out in the wilderness?

2. What picture is described by Isaiah’s prophecy in verses 4-6? With this picture in mind, how do you think John “prepared the way for the Lord”?

3. Read Luke 3:7-14. How do you feel about the stern tone of John’s warning about God’s coming wrath?

4. How would you define “repentance” and what specific examples does John give in verses 11-14? Why might it be important for us to realize that these tax collectors and soldiers were coming out to hear John and be baptized?

5. Why do you think verse 8 clarifies the need to “produce fruit in keeping with repentance”? (See Acts 26:20)

6. Read Luke 3:15-20. In light of verse 16, how might you explain the difference between John’s baptism and the baptism Jesus would bring?

7. How can verse 18 can describe John’s message as “good news” after all his talk about God’s coming wrath, and the ax at the root of the trees, and so on? (Consider 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and Acts 3:19.)

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