Job Opportunity:Youth and Young Adults Pastor

Life Group Questions for the Week of January 14, 2024

Jan 14, 2024 |

1. Read Romans 12:1-8. How would you explain what a spiritual gift is? How is a spiritual gift different than a natural ability or an acquired skill?

2. In light of verse 3, why do you think it’s important that we not think too highly, or too lowly, of ourselves? Why do you think God chose to give us gifts for doing His work on this earth?

3. In verses 4-5, how do you think the illustration of one body with many parts helps us understand God’s design for the church? Why are the words “in Christ” so vital?

4. How might the various spiritual gifts display God’s multifaceted grace?

5. If someone hasn’t yet discovered their spiritual gift, what might help them figure that out? If you’ve discovered your spiritual gift, how do you think God has called you to worship Him with it?

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