Life Group Questions for the Week of January 19, 2025

Jan 19, 2025 |

1. Share something interesting about your family tree. How far back can you go? Do you have any famous relatives?

2. Read Luke 3:21-22. How do you picture the scene?

3. Read Psa. 2, Isa. 42:1-9, Luke 1:30-33, and Luke 9:35. How do these passages help you understand Luke 3:22?

4. Read 1 Chr. 1-9 (just kidding). What do you do when you come to a genealogy in your Bible reading? How can we learn to appreciate why they’re there even if they don’t seem to have much personal application value?

5. Take a look at Rom. 5:12-14 and 1 Cor. 15:20-22. What do you think is the point of the comparison? How do passages like these, as well ask Luke 4:1-13 help us connect the Old and New Testaments? (see Luke 24:25-27)

6. Read Luke 4:1-13. Which of these temptations resonate most with you? Why do you think Jesus quoted Scripture? Why did the devil?

7. When reflecting on what Christ has done for us, why might it be just as important to remember that Jesus not only died in our place, but he also obeyed God where we have failed? Consider 2 Cor. 5:21; 8:9.

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