Job Opportunity:Youth and Young Adults Pastor

Life Group Questions for the Week of January 21, 2024

Jan 21, 2024 |

1. Share with your Life Group one thing they probably don’t know about you and one thing you hope people will learn about you as they get to know you. What makes you who you are?

2. Read through Romans 12:9-16. In what sense is Christ-like love counter-cultural? How would someone conclude that we are followers of Jesus? (see John 13:34-35)

3. Why is Christ-like love necessarily communal, costly, and compassionate? (see vs. 10, 13, 15) Which of these characteristics do you find most challenging to develop?

4. What causes us to lose our spiritual fervor (vs. 11) and thus become complacent in our love for one another? How do we keep our spiritual fervor hot?

5. Why do you think Paul links persistent prayer with hope and patience in verse 12? What does persistent prayer have to do with Christ-like love?

6. Briefly review the previous passage (Rom. 12:3-8). How does this background help us to apply the commands in Romans 12:16? How can Christ-like love correct our self-perception?

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