Life Group Questions for the Week of October 27, 2024

Oct 27, 2024 |

1. What is one of your favorite local evangelism ministries in our church or our community, and why? Who is one of your local evangelism heroes, and why?

2. Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-20. What do you think it means that God “gave us the ministry of reconciliation”? Why do you think He gave it to us?

3. An “ambassador” can be defined as “an authorized representative or messenger, especially a diplomatic agent to a foreign government as the resident representative for a special and often temporary assignment.” How might this definition help us understand our role as Christ’s ambassadors in Bemidji? (See Philippians 3:20)

4. Read Mark 2:16-17. Why do you think Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners? How might this apply to our lives?

5. How might living, working, and going to school locally be an advantage in sharing the gospel with people who live in the Bemidji area? (Consider 1 Corinthians 9:19-23)

6. Do some creative brainstorming with your small group - what might be a culturally strategic and effective way to share the Good News in Bemidji?

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