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Life Group Questions for the Week of September 10, 2023

Sep 10, 2023 |

Life Group Questions for the Week of September 10, 2023 (PDF)

1. Why did you decide to be part of a Life Group this year?

2. Read Luke 9:18-26. In verse 23, is Jesus perhaps asking too much when He says that His disciples MUST “deny themselves and take up their cross daily”? What are some practical examples of how we can do this?

3. In verse 24, what do you think Jesus meant by losing our lives for Him? Can you think of some practical examples?

4. In light of the warning in verse 25, what are some strategies that have helped you guard against the distractions of “gaining the whole world”?

5. In light of the warning in verse 26, what are some examples of how we can live our lives for Jesus without being ashamed of Him and His words?

6. In light of Jesus’ words from Luke 9, as well as His Great Commission mandate in Matthew 28:18-20, do you think “becoming deeply devoted followers of Jesus together” is a fair summary of how we should be spending our lives? Explain. Do you think it’s a good benchmark for how our church should be setting its priorities? Explain.

7. In light of this past Sunday’s Ministry Fair, and what the various ministry staff shared during the service, did you learn anything new about the discipleship opportunities at E-Free Bemidji? Which opportunities are you and your household thinking about being a part of? Please pray for effective discipleship ministry in and through our church.

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