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CANCELLED for tonight: Women's Bible Study Fellowship

December 15, 2022 6:30pm

Address: Evangelical Free Church of Bemidji, 115 Carr Lake Rd. SW, Bemidji, MN US 56601

Contact: Lindsay Nygren

Website: http://bsfinternational.org

People of the Promise:
Kingdom Divided

Good and evil kings. Passionate prophets. Prophecies that shape our modern age.

The Old Testament is full of theologically rich books that both recount and shape history. They also set the stage for the long-awaited Messiah, containing more than 300 prophecies covering His birth, life, death, and resurrection.

People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided will unpack a fascinating period in Israel’s history across 15 books, from its split into two nations, through dozens of kings and prophets and ultimately to the heartbreaking exile into Babylon.

Jesus loved the Old Testament. And you will too.

Explore 15 of the books Jesus deeply loved in community, discussing questions around the goodness of God amidst calamity, mercy, ultimate allegiance, judgment, and salvation. Join others in finding answers and how they apply to modern life.

Study Overview

After Solomon’s failures, God’s chosen nation divided into two separate kingdoms: Israel and Judah. A long list of mostly evil kings led both kingdoms away from God and deeply into idolatry. With persistent patience, God sent prophet after prophet to faithfully warn His people of coming judgment and call them to repentance.

Brief moments of revival offered interludes of hope. In the end, both nations rejected God and promised judgment came. First, Israel fell to Assyria and then Judah to Babylon. The people were exiled in foreign lands. This dark period in Israel’s history did not end without hope. In His mercy, God’s voice was not silenced. By His sovereign grace, God preserved the lineage of David and the promised Messiah and a remnant of faithful people. God’s purposes cannot be thwarted by rejection or rebellion.

 Here’s how People of the Promise:  Kingdom Divided unfolds:  

  • 1 and 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles
  • Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah are situated where they fit into Israel’s storyline.  
  • The study of Isaiah is folded into a four-week segment
  • New to our BSF study content: Jeremiah and Lamentations!  

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